Behind the Scenes. Series of photographs inspired by Marcel Duchamp. Slowly and skillfully, one step at a time, she places one leg in front of the other. On her toes, in her bare feet, her lean, strong body reveals her musculature behavior. What appears effortless is divine coordination of beauty. I am fortunate to be called the artist and creator of this series. I take credit when all I really am is the conduit, the messenger so-to-speak of this perfect image of natural beauty. It makes me wonder, really what was it M. Duchamp was seeing when so inspired to create his classic masterpiece. Who would not be inspired? This one action of Isabella descending a staircase, yields a series of photographs in which each can stand alone as a complete artistic expression in itself. I will be pleased to present many more images of this wonderfully expressive woman as time passes.


Sessions 1

Sol Lang photographsSol_Lang.html